Further development

The Monitor is deployed in a few sectors (textile, mining, sugar cane, palm oil) and countries (Cambodia, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica). CNV International has the ambition to further develop the Monitor, to continue its use in current sectors and countries as well as to expand the use of the Monitor in new sectors/countries. CNV International asked Schuttelaar & Partners to support with market research.

Tool for impact

The Fair Work Monitor is developed by CNV International to support local labour unions in their work to improve labour conditions. The Monitor collects data about labour conditions directly from workers in a structured manner through digital surveys. This helps local unions to gain better insight into labour conditions. This structured information is used in negotiations with local governments and employers. The continuation and strengthening of the Monitor is of utmost importance to empower local unions.

Our role

Together with CNV International, we conducted market research and a needs assessment to enhance the value of the Monitor for local unions. This research feeds into distinctive value propositions which contribute to better insights into labour conditions and therefore support in improving working conditions in international value chains. An important element in these propositions is seeking synergies and partnerships with actors along the supply chain, such as brands, certification schemes or multistakeholder initiatives, to support unions. By collaborating, greater impact can be achieved in improving wages and conditions for workers.

As part of the assignment, we also supported CNV International with advice on the development of transparent and impactful dashboards for the Fair Work Monitor. These dashboards aim to enhance collaboration with value chain actors to jointly improve working conditions.

Read more about the Fair Work Monitor 

''We strongly believe that the Monitor has an important role to play in CNV International’s mission to 100% Fair work and look forward to following the developments of the Monitor.'' - Ruth de Jong