Focus on flexibility and diligence

During 2024, STX performed the first double materiality analysis in line with the CSRD requirements. Given the wide variety of products traded by STX Group, Schuttelaar & Partners’ and STX’ teams closely worked together to ensure all relevant aspects of STX’ business were included in the assessment.  

Through extensive desktop research, numerous stakeholder interviews (both in- and external), workshops and leveraging our S&P DMA Survey Tool, we gathered valuable insights to prioritize STX’ material topics. Additional internal deep dives and close involvement of STX’ ESG committee and leadership team ensured high engagement across all levels of the company. Similarly, after the acquisition of Marine Olie, all results were validated with their team and additional material topics based on their operations and value chain were identified and integrated into the overall results.  

In the coming months, STX Group will further integrate the newly identified material topics into their strategy and in their 2025 sustainability report. We are happy to continue our support to STX and to help them grow their impact even further.