Energy transition
We are process and project managers in the energy transition and work for all levels of government and industry. We operate on four strategic lines to accelerate the energy transition:
Governance. Where there is a will, a way is needed. This requires an understanding of the task, an effective approach and internal support, and of course a strong administration.
Networks and participation. To truly accelerate the energy transition, broad public support is essential. With the right strategy, the crucial parties can be brought together - and kept together.
Legal frameworks. To play the best possible role, each party needs to have the right powers and authority. This requires using existing laws and regulations in the right way.
Money and knowledge. The energy transition involves tasks of great magnitude and complexity. These require appropriate resources such as suitable funding, the right experts, and access to valuable data.

What we offer
We advise our clients in government and business on strategy, positioning and implementation. We coach and activate them to achieve their goals.
We build alliances and networks with the right players and keep them together.
We engage citizens and other parties to participate in the energy transition, organize events, trainings and workshops, and communicate effectively at all levels.