Novel food authorisation
The transition to a more sustainable food system requires innovation. Many innovative companies are developing a wide range of new sustainable food products. We support these companies in bringing innovative products on the market by making sure these products comply to EU regulations. Companies are navigated through the entire process of the novel food procedure. For investors we conduct second opinions and due diligence checks. Furthermore, we help with novel food authorisations in non-EU countries like UK, Singapore and the US. Our Food Compliance team consists of experts in the field of food technology, food safety, toxicology, laboratory analyses, nutrition and health, intake assessments, legislation and food quality management.

What we offer
Novel Food dossiers
We support companies in compiling and submitting Novel Food dossiers for EU and non-EU countries such as the UK, US, and Singapore. Additionally, we assist with providing additional information for requests after submission and communication with authorities.
Novelty status consultation
We determine the novelty status of a product, and prepare and submit a technical dossier for a formal consultation request to the competent authority.
Due diligence assessments
For investors, we conduct due diligence checks on the novelty status, expectations of timelines and costs, filing strategies, legislative compliance, and completeness and scientific soundness of safety and health claim dossiers.
Food additive dossiers
We support companies with gathering analytical and published data, drafting food additive dossiers, and submitting them to the EC and EFSA. Furthermore, we help with providing additional information for requests after submission and communication with the European authorities.
Health claims and suitability dossiers
We help with drafting or verification of health claims and suitability dossiers, as well with the set-up and evaluation of human studies.
Food labels are checked on their compliance with EU regulation regarding completeness of declared information, used ingredients, naming, and allowance of use.