Healthy living
Exercise regularly, eat healthy and varied, quit smoking, consume alcohol responsibly. Everyone recognizes them as the basic elements of a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle helps prevent mental and physical conditions such as depression, cardiovascular disease and cancer. However, it appears to be difficult to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Today's society requires people to take the lead themselves, but how do you find your way through all the well-meant health advice? And how do you, as a healthcare professional, company or organization, ensure that people get and stay motivated to change their behavior? And what role does the government play in this? Based on our substantive knowledge of prevention and health, we can help you make a difference.
Through strategic and creative communication, we work on behavioral change and reducing health differences between population groups. In this way, we help you build a vital and healthy society.

What we offer
Strategy for a healthy living
Change is achieved together. You only truly progress when you engage in dialogue about health and medical innovation. Through in-depth interviews, focus groups, or a large event such as a community café, we bring you in contact with your stakeholders.
Communication for a healthy lifestyle
From a clear strategy, we help you reach your target audiences. Social media, podcasts, and webinars, as well as an event or a printed magazine - our communication toolbox is extensive. We understand the target audiences, and together with our in-house designers and developers, we go from a clear plan to full execution.
Policy for health
Bringing your issue to the attention of policymakers and politicians is where our public affairs specialists can help. In a transparent manner and always from the content perspective.
Stimulating dialogue
Change is achieved together. You only truly make progress when you engage in dialogue about health and medical innovation. Through in-depth interviews, focus groups, or a large event such as a community café, we bring you in contact with your stakeholders.