Lemna protein as sustainable protein source 

Due to the authorisation, a new sustainable plant-based protein source is available that contributes to the protein transition. Water lentils grow quickly in green-houses. The plants are cultivated using significantly less water and land than traditional crops. One hectare of duckweed produces as much protein as ten hectares of soy (Meers&Coudon, 2018; Agrifirm, 2019). The protein powder also contains all essential amino acids and the amino acid profile is similar to animal proteins such as whey and egg. 

Support EU Novel food dossier 

The Dutch company Rubisco Foods produces and develops innovative plant-based food and feed ingredients. Since 2018 we supported Rubisco Foods / ABC Kroos in compiling and submitting their novel food dossier, performing intake assessments and scientific comprehensive literature research, advising on the design and interpretation of laboratory studies, developing the strategy, writing the dossier and the communication to EFSA and the EC.  

In April 2023 we received EFSA’s positive opinion describing the results if the risk assessment and concluding that the water lentil protein concentrate as novel ingredient is considered safe for human consumption. We are proud of this as previous applications for Lemna plants from other applicants had been withdrawn. 

After EFSA’s risk assessment, another procedure followed for legal authorization by the EC. With the legal authorisation, a new plant-based protein source for human consumption is introduced in the EU, which can be used in bread and rolls, noodles, protein drinks and bars, and dietary food supplements. This is the first novel food dossier for Lemna protein that has been authorized in the EU. Rubisco Foods requested data protection and is therefore currently the only producer that is allowed to place the Lemna protein on the EU market.