Tools for biodiversity restoration in the municipality of Hoeksche Waard

Foundation Deltaplan Biodiversity Restoration, in collaboration with Naturalis, the Butterfly Foundation, Sovon, SoortenNL, Rijkswaterstaat, the Hoeksche Waard municipality and the municipality of Delft, has developed a set of KPIs for public space. These Critical Performance Indicators (KPIs) were tested in a pilot project. The aim of this trajectory was to sharpen the KPIs, and improve the workability of the KPIs for land managers and users. The municipality of Hoeksche Waard is one of the participants that started a pilot to test the KPIs and map their impact. Schuttelaar & Partners coordinated this process and implemented it internally at the municipality. 

The study on working with the Critical Performance Indicators for public space has provided insight into the municipality's current commitment to biodiversity restoration at both policy and implementation levels. The integrality of the KPIs makes it necessary to seek connections between different teams and request knowledge that is currently secured in different departments. In addition, working with KPIs has provided insight into where the municipality can still improve, both in the measures and in the data registration for calculating the KPIs. The results can serve as a baseline on which the municipality can start monitoring its measures and progress for biodiversity restoration in public spaces.

An integrated approach to biodiversity restoration within the municipality

The Hoeksche Waard municipality participated in a broader pilot project, in which we reviewed and improved the KPIs Public Space with the municipality of Delft, Rijkswaterstaat, Royal HaskoningDHV and Aannemersbedrijf MJ Smits using their experience and expertise. This project was coordinated by Schuttelaar & Partners. We also conducted the pilot internally at the municipality. First of all by setting up a core team with different officials from different departments. This is crucial because biodiversity requires an integrated approach. With this core team, we mapped the required data and calculated the KPIs for the municipality. With the KPIs, we were able to map how the municipality is currently committed to biodiversity restoration, and where there are still opportunities to improve this.