Gathering insights on citizen consultations regarding DNA technology
Schuttelaar & Partners built on the RIVM report and investigated, commissioned by ZonMw, how best to involve citizens in the dialogue on DNA technology. In other words, how can we best consult citizens? We conducted desk research of conducted and planned citizen consultations, and conducted interviews and a workshop with experts on DNA technology and social dialogues. In our report, we present the insights gathered and make recommendations to the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport for effective citizen consultation. The focus is on three key elements: appropriate methods to reach diverse audiences, collecting and communicating input, and relevant topics for broad consultation.
How do we engage citizens?
Our recommendations are clear: a successful citizen consultation consists of multiple moments when participants are consulted. This makes it possible to combine different methods, approach target groups in a targeted way, and collect valuable input. Customisation for each target group is crucial, as is asking clear, relevant questions that are in the citizens' interest. It is also essential to set a clear goal in advance and inform participants about what to expect and how their input will be used. Finally, we advise to really focus on ethical values and citizens' perspectives, rather than on the technical aspects and opportunities of DNA technology. Want to read more about our recommendations? Then read on in this report.