A recognizable narrative about food in Ede

By engaging in conversations with various policymakers and stakeholders, we were able to refine the food vision to ensure lasting support. In line with Ede’s approach, we examined the topic of food from multiple perspectives. This highlighted the integral role food can play in policy challenges such as sustainability, health, and economic development. The result is a substantively strong vision with a compelling narrative, enabling the municipality to continue positioning itself as a leader in food policy for the next ten years.

Our approach

Involving various policy domains is essential for a successful food vision. That’s why we interviewed ten key policymakers to map out the food-related themes at play within the municipality of Ede. The insights from these conversations formed the foundation for the revision of the food vision.

Additionally, we organized in-depth working sessions where the local food council of Ede and policymakers provided invaluable recommendations for the new food vision, making a significant contribution to the final result.

"The collaboration with Schuttelaar & Partners was extremely valuable. They provided critical insights and sharpened the content, leading to a strong substantive revision. Additionally, they were thoughtful and flexible in their approach. It was an inspiring partnership that elevated the revised food vision to a higher level."