
Managing Partner

Isabel Boerdam

When I was nine, I spontaneously decided to become a vegetarian because I didn't want to eat any dead animals. This intuitive decision, made as a young child, has been the compass guiding my career path ever since. With a love for language and writing, combined with a passion for healthy, sustainable food, I became a well-known ambassador and spokesperson for the topic in the past 10 years.

About Isabel

My green journey began with a food blog called *De Hippe Vegetariër* (The Trendy Vegetarian), where I shared my enthusiastic perspective on vegetarian cuisine with the Netherlands. After the Climate Agreement, my frustration grew over the lack of information about the impact of meat consumption - people should be informed! That’s why I launched the Nationale Week Without Meat in the Netherlands, which, as of 2025, is still going strong with nearly 3 million participants each year and now expanding across Europe.  

These initiatives led to the ambition to start my own agency: Green Food Lab. A Food Consultancy & Communications Agency specializing at the intersection of food, sustainability, and communication. Now proudly part of Schuttelaar & Partners, the agency for a healthy world! Every day, we wake up to drive change towards a more sustainable food system and a future-proof world through communications. We call this 'feeding the future with stories'. Let’s make an impact!

Contact Isabel

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