
Privacy & cookies

Any personal information entered on this website will exclusively be used for the purpose stated in the specific context, for example replying to a message. We conform to Dutch privacy laws.

Usage statistics

This website uses web analytics software hosted by Schuttelaar & Partners. We use cookies (text files which are stored locally on your computer) to help analyse how people use our website. The usage data collected is anonymized and stored on a server in The Netherlands. Schuttelaar & Partners will use this information to make reports about the usage of the website for internal use. This information will only be shared with third parties when legally required. Collected data will not be cross referenced with data from other websites or sources that Schuttelaar & Partners has access to.

Youtube tracking

Some pages contain embedded videos from Youtube. When opening such a page information about your visit will be transmitted to the American company Google which owns Youtube. This can be used to track your visits across different websites. Google can share this information with third parties when legally required or when third parties are processing this information for Google. Schuttelaar & Partners has no access and is not involved in the processing this data. The information transferred to Google can be stored for an undetermined amount of time on servers in the United States.

Opt out

You can opt out from being tracked. We honor the setting from web browser when you choose not to be tracked using the "Do not track header". When you enable this setting in your browser you visit to our website will not be recored.

If you only don't want to be tracked by this website, then you can indicate your preference below. Data about your visit will then not be stored. This opt-out will place a cookie on your machine that indicated that you don't want to be tracked.

Privacy on other websites

If you wish to use this and other websites without third party trackers (like Google) we recommend that you install a privacy enhancement plugin for your browser. Examples include, Do Not Track Me en Ghostery. With these plugins you can set for every website which trackers you want to allow. Some websites may suffer from degraded functionality when using these plugins.